The research collaboration centers around key topics from the range of research activities at the partner institutions, while focusing the groups on a common mission through co-development of next- generation open-source software tools for analysis and prediction of Earth’s surface.

Center Activities

The Center will synergise the distinct expertise of world-class institutions across continents, setting unprecedented standards in Earth system modeling, analysis, and scientific education to develop a next generation of scientists. We offer:


Early Career Scientists have the opportunity to collaborate within the research portfolio of the partners


We will focus on in-person training programs for Early Career Scientists

Conferences_Center activities


We organize regular in-person and virtual meetings for our members

Fellowships_Center Activities


Our members have the opportunity to benefit from fellowships to be able to fund longer research stays at a partner institution


Hands-On Summer Schools

Our thematic summer or winter schools will be hands-on and include group exercises, such as hackathons

Collaboration_Center Activities


We also implement virtual collaboration tools to make it easier to work together to develop the next- generation open source tools to analyse and predict Earth's surface


Cooperation Agreement

A cooperation agreement signed by all partners from the Max-Planck Society, California Institute of Technology, Carnegie Institution of Science and Columbia University regulates their work.  The following aspects are covered:


  • Scientific objects and collaborative activities
  • Organization
  • Personnel
  • Facilities and equipment
  • Confidentiality
  • Intellectual Property
  • Publications
  • Public relations
  • Evaluation
  • Disputes
  • Data protection

The MC³ 4 Earth Center is a collaboration of the Max-Planck Institute of Biogeochemistry, Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry, California Institute of Technology, Carnegie Institution for Science (Department of Global Ecology) and Columbia University. It's coordination and Max-Planck research is funded by the Max Planck Foundation.

Contact: Stefanie Johnson (